Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Button Quail Chicks

I took some individual shots of each chick to try to determine their coloring and also to try to tell each chick apart as some look very similar. I tried to get a face shot and a body shot but they are slippery little suckers. I still have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chick 1 (I think a wild/normal type)

Chick 2

Chick 3 (maybe cinnamon?)

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6

Chick 7

Chick 8

Chick 9

Chick 10

Lorelei's first egg

The day after I brought my birds home Lorelei laid her first egg.

She continued to lay an egg a day until she had eleven eggs at which time she started to lay on them to incubate them.

After sixteen days of incubation I saw this

Out of eleven eggs we got ten healthy chicks!

My new button quail

My husband and I went to the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainesville for our anniversary in June. While we were there I fell in love with these tiny birds running around on the ground. The birds are called button quail and I knew right away I wanted one. After doing some research I found out they do best in mated pairs. For my birthday in July I got a pair of button quail I found in an ad on Craigslist. I named them Luke and Lorelei. From what the seller told me the male is a red breasted and the female is a tuxedo pied

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

DIY Light Box

I made myself a lightbox today and I wanted to share. Hopefully this will help me take better pictures (if I can figure out my camera). I made it using an empty cardboard box. I cut off the flaps and then cut a hole out of three sides. I covered the three holes with an old white pillowcase which I just hot glued together. My hubby painted the inside of the box white and I cut a piece of white poster board into a long strip to make the background. I'm also going to cut a piece of black poster board the same size and glue them together so I can switch the background from white to black very easily. I took the pictures outside using natural light as I still need to figure out a good light set up for indoors. If you use a lightbox to take nail art pictures please leave me any tips in the comments as I'm still new at this!

Project Polish 2015

A few of my favorite You Tubers are participating in a Project Polish challenge this year and I decided it would be fun to join them. The goal is to choose a few nail polishes to completely use up before the end of the year, although I doubt it will take that long. I chose a couple of nail treatments which I use as base coats, a full size polish which is almost halfway used up already and 4 Opi minis because I can't stand the mini nail polish bottles so I want to use them up and move them out of my collection. As someone who own over 200 full sized bottles of polish this will be a challenge as I usually want to reach for something I just bought or a favorite color. I figure on days I'm wanting to wear a new color on my fingernails I can use these polishes on my toenails. Now lets get to the colors.

left to right: Essie Grow Stronger, Nail Tek II, CHI Bad Girl Gone Good (got this free with purchase of a CHI hair straightener), sorry don't know the name of the first three OPI minis as they don't put the names on the bottle and I have no idea what collection they're from, OPI Pirouette My Whistle

Picture to show my starting point on each bottle (black line)

CHI Bad Girl Gone Good covered with OPI Pirouette My Whistle. Isn't it pretty!

As you can see I picked polishes that I thought would be easy to use up as a few are about halfway there already. I've decided that as a reward for using up these polishes I will but the full size OPI Pirouette My Whistle as I really like that color and it's the only white glitter I own. I might need to go ahead and throw out the lighter pink OPI mini as it's really thick and gloopy and that's after adding nail polish thinner. I'll keep you updated.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Teal and Pink Hearts

A fun teal and pink heart manicure to get in the Valentines Day mood. I used China Glaze For Audrey for the teal and Rich & Famous for the pink. The glitter crelly is Cadillacquer in the color Remember Me.