Sunday, January 25, 2015

DIY Light Box

I made myself a lightbox today and I wanted to share. Hopefully this will help me take better pictures (if I can figure out my camera). I made it using an empty cardboard box. I cut off the flaps and then cut a hole out of three sides. I covered the three holes with an old white pillowcase which I just hot glued together. My hubby painted the inside of the box white and I cut a piece of white poster board into a long strip to make the background. I'm also going to cut a piece of black poster board the same size and glue them together so I can switch the background from white to black very easily. I took the pictures outside using natural light as I still need to figure out a good light set up for indoors. If you use a lightbox to take nail art pictures please leave me any tips in the comments as I'm still new at this!

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